The Kennel Club of San Marino on their Dog Show held on 24-25 May, 2014
We think it is not possible to start this short report without having a thought
for our beloved founders and former President and General Secretary Mr Franco Stacchini
and Mrs Joan Keukens Stacchini, who have dedicated most part of their lives to the
Kennel Club of San Marino and who, with their hard work and patience have made all
this possible.
Everybody knows that 2011 was the “Annus horribilis” for the Kennel Club
of San Marino and for its team, and those events were an indelible mark in its history.
We were in a very hard position since we had been really endangered after those
terrible incidents.

From left to right, Mr Enrico Drudi, President of KCSM, Mr Miguel Ángel Martínez, President of the Argentinian canine organisation and member of the FCI General Committee and Mr Yves De Clercq, FCI Executive Director
But, as promised by Mr Franco Stacchini, at that time President, and by the current
President Mr Enrico Drudi, at the meeting held at the FCI headquarters on May 8th,
2012, within a few years the Kennel Club of San Marino has risen again. After a
year of shock and semi-immobility trying to understand and to find a solution and
fighting against a dissident association that tried to give a bad image of our Kennel,
the Kennel Club has started again to arrange dog shows and to reimburse the exhibitors.
We found the solidarity of many of FCI member States that understood the seriousness
of our problem and that decided to help us organising joint dog shows that could
attract as much exhibitors as possible, of course we know that some other FCI members
disliked this, but to us it was a real godsend.
During these last 3 years, the Kennel Club and all its staff have worked hard to
improve day by day every field of the dog world in San Marino. First of all, for
example, in the Dog Shows we supply the novelty of the tablets and the white-boards
in the rings, where it is possible to enter all the results in real-time, and in
spite of everything, we always have done all our best to arrange the better conditions
for our guests; second, we managed to put all the hunting sector in order and we
are so proud to say that our Hound Section was asked by the European Cup Commission
to organise the European Cup for Hounds in 2015, and we hope it will be a success.
Third, we also appointed Mr Andreini A. and Mr Mularoni G.L. who are in charge,
respectively, of the Hunting and Agility sections, and we believe they will do a
very good work.
© Mr Sabolic Denis (DEYA)

BIS Judge: Ms Lisbeth Mach (CH)
1. AZAWAKH AZAMOUR KHEMOSABI, Owner: Mr Andrey Klishas (RU)
2. KUKKOLA JAMBO JAMBO, Owner: Mr Nannotti Fabrizio (IT)
3. FEBAK OF BOBBIE DEL BAFFIN, Owner: Mr Peruzzi Alessandro (IT)
On May 24th, 2014 we celebrated our 30th Anniversary and our
30th International Dog Show, and it is with much pride that we can say
that we are finally coming up for air. During the organisation of this event we
were all so anxious and worried, but now it is with great satisfaction that we can
attest that our Anniversary and 30th Dog Show have been a real success.
Of course we know that there is still much work to be done, but we are sure to be
on the right track to guarantee to San Marino’s cynology a long and healthy life.
The Kennel Club of San Marino wants to thank all those who have appreciated its
efforts to improve and to get well again, and above all the FCI Commissions for
their great tolerance.
Enrico Drudi
President of KCSM